Re: Onĕipŏt is not a real language.
I think it just contains those alphabetic characters in the set that do not occur in any common languages (e.g. Ĕĕ Ŏŏ Ţţ ȷ) or are found in languages not otherwise fully supported by the rest of the …2 -
Re: User friendly family naming
Are you talking about width designation or weight designation? I’ve lost track. Regardless, what would that percentage mean exactly? Literal percentage? Perceived percentage? In terms of width, for e…4 -
Re: Designing Phonetic Characters
If the bars of <ɟ> and<ʄ> are raised to mid-xht, more consistent with <ɨ>, wouldn’t that create a potential ambiguity between <ʄ> and <ƒ> (f with hook, if drawn properly…1 -
Re: Semi bold, Semibold, Semi-bold, Semi-Bold, or SemiBold?
And the Hemidemisemibold style would be 1/8th as bold as plain ol’ Bold. ;-)3 -
Re: What means – Font Info
“Font Info” is a conventional shorthand for referring to the information in a variety of font metadata tables. You could say that “Font Info” refers primarily to the Required Tables in the OT Font Fi…1